Classic 8mm sex loops, adult films, super 8, stags, sex magazines
Shorcuts and Terms
File info
Terms used to list the file information
.rar = very common compression
size = listed in Megabytes (Mb) and Gigabytes (Gb) – size of the file
type = MP4, AVI, MKV, PDF, JPEG – very common video and photo formats
duration = length of the film
resolution = film resolution
Shortcuts used to identify the cast
f = female
m = male
bf = black female
bm = black male
wf = white female
wm = white male
uwf = unknown white female
uwm = unknown white male
ubf = unknown black female
ubm = unknown black female
Sometimes the screenshots listed in the post do not make justice for the video quality, newer content will have a video quality rating at the end of film description. The terms should speak for themselves.
poor video quality
decent video quality
good video quality
very good video quality
The video quality is rated by me and is it what i consider close/related to the specified term.
If older content is updated, a video quality rating term will be added.
Most of the video content has information about the audio/sound track listed in the post and these are the terms used:
no audio
with audio
with audio (music)
with audio (reel running)
Additional shorcuts / terms
Additional shorcuts and terms used on the website
better quality = film has better video quality than the previous version
film updated = film, poster or cast has been updated
version 2 = a second version of the film, different length, audio or quality than the previous version
no poster = box / cover / poster not available
not complete = the film or magazine set is not complete
(+) = ID addition
– = no information about (used on indexes)
not available = file not available (used on indexes)
download = download link available, all the links are opened in a new tab (used on indexes)