Classic 8mm sex loops, adult films, super 8, stags, sex magazines
How to download as a premium user
How to download as a premium user with Novafile. Follow any link on our website and you will be redirected to novafile where the file is hosted, in only two clicks you’d be able to download the file.
Click download file and save it on your operating system.
Download link will be active for your IP only for 24 hours once you’ve create it. You can create multiple instances, so this option doesn’t really matter for premium users.
For mobile/smartphone users or any other operating system the download process it’s the same.
All the files from the website are compressed in .RAR format.
All the videos from the website are very known formats like .AVI .MP4 or .WMV and any Operating System can run them.
All the magazines from the website are very known formats like .JPEG or .PDF and any Operating System can run them.
All the films and magazines posted on the website are tested before they are published, also we have specified in the post if a film has no sound, has any issues or have a poor video quality (there are some posts to be updated).
Side Programs:
Usually all the operating systems have a build-in program to be able to extract the files from compressed .RAR, but if you can’t extract/open the compressed .RAR file you can use “Win-Rar” or “7-zip“, both programs are free to use.
Can’t open .PDF files? you can use Adobe Reader free to use program, if you don’t want the “Optional offers” that Adobe Reader have included, uncheck them.
You can’t open the film? have no sound? can’t render the file? You should check if your media player have all the codecs required.