Classic 8mm sex loops, adult films, super 8, stags, sex magazines
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aka Las Vegas Film 09 – Phone Booth Follies
This is an extract of a French movie : ‘Adorable Lola’ (1981).
1 male = David Book (w moustache)
2 way snakes is correct, MIni feature added to dvd. Scene 6 is from Oriental Taboo (1985) Scene 7. It…
Toby Wenig & unknown.
Maybe I was wrong…. Blacks and Blondes 1 probably is a threesome. So don’t change anything until the loop is…
I think this loop is actually the R.’Wild Bill’ Williams ‘ s “Blacks and Blondes 1”, see it on IAFD,…
lady left in loop is Kathy Kaufman.. imo..
dont think this is British, Blonde girl & dream girl are heavily tanned, Most likely San Francisco or Florida made..…
Carona Faoro aka Terry Thomas. not on iafd or imdb..
Now, THIS looks like a wonderful house to sleep in haha.
This has gone a lot freakier. And i love it lol 🤣
Ah, Cockzel and Gretel. Two young lovebirds enjoying life where everything in the Garden of Eden is sex obsessed. Feels…
REALLY Great reel, a pity it’s partly blurry at the end, but one can’t get everything all the time ey’😊
You are talking about Pleasure Film 1602 – Busen 2, she is on the cover but not in the film.…
possible the Busen/pleasure loop seen with her face on. Probably produced in UK.
White girl is ERIKA. Sleeve pic here: ….and THANKS for a good site, can’t live without it👍🫡
This is “Bentley Production Film 514: Stop-Stop-Don’t Stop!”. According to IAFD, this is Tana Robinson, Sara Harris and an unnamed…
The name of this loop is « Roommates », but number is unknown
The Black Girl is Tana Robinson
Fun Fact: The swastika symbol on the wall in this film is not the Nazi symbol, but the Hindu symbol.…
Bonnie Werham aka Mary-Lou Cantrell.
Female id’d as ‘Cindy’.
Lovely picnic! I wish I was there with my binoculars. They would be thinking “Hey, What’s that retarded kid doing…
Her pussy is smoking a cigarette LOL. I wonder if that’s possible for your vagina to suck and queef. 🤣
I just found out that these Love Cartoons was directed by Richard Meintz and Animated by Hubert Mentel. I think…
she’s called Bonnie, cant find last name right now. also did GG shoots (no loop so far) with Hanna Viek.
ID updated
male is Adam Adams acc to iafd.
Thanks, I will try to get back on track and have daily updates. Most of IDs/corrections updated.
I don’t know, maybe other users can help with this.
This is part of Bestsellers 237, I can send you the tape I have.
This is part of Bestsellers 241, I started posted loops from SM Encounters so I probably could also post these.…
Lovely JOYCE, and the blonde is LISA, I guess, it’s hard to get good info fast when adult loop is…
You deserve a rest ! Thanks again for your amazing work
Sorry for no updates in almost two weeks, I will resume the posting in a few days.
Some people have a life, u know work & family to manage too 😉 Have u dl the whole site…
Curly haired model is also in Exciting Photo Fun. Unsure of name.
Does anyone know why there has not been any new updates in 9 days now i can get who ever…
Model is a young Lene I believe
Probably Ulla
Lighter brown haired actress is also in Exciting Photo Fun. Unsure of name.
I know youve said that the gay content is banned due to Novafile but is there any other way you…
also def British, Harrison Marks again.
Def British, produced by Harrison Marks as Guter Fick ist Goldes Wert, mostly advertised together in Girls, A Pleasure/Busen mag.…
def not Jacky Rigby! This is her..
The cast is Angelo Rivera and the female is Vicky Lindsay. Vicky is also in Body Language 6 – Double…
Will this ever be posted as a downloadable link?
Features Lene in the curly wig
Features Lene (on cover)
Features Mrs Jensen (beige shirt on cover)
W 92 Anale und Dschungelgurken W 108 Heia Safari W 110 El Bimbo W 114 Pornowelen W 119 Leather-Games
Girl : Elaine DeSantis
Wrong reel sleeve pic 😮 this is: Super Sex Film 13 – Sexy Sisters
Released in 1981 as per IAFD.
Released in 1973 as per IAFD.
Title card says “Copyright 1979”.
The name of the mature woman is Ghita.
The unknown girl is Lisa Sue Corey
cast: Biggi Stenzhorn (as Brigitte Horn), Elke Meyrichs, Ginny Noack, Christa Abel (bbw!),Rolf Zigan,Michael Wagner. uncredited: Sylvia Engelmann,Marion Brandmaier,Dorle Buchner,…
1 model = Joyce.
Inga Mullin & unknown dyke. She’s in a bunch of Starlight, also used in films/comp French Heat, French Throat,Indian Lady..…
broken link
I don’t know of the owner of adl passing away, from what I now he sold his collection a while…
If found, it will be posted, but no results so far.
Where I can find CD-23 Glückliches Spiel? I’m looking for Bente.
The two actresses are : Kirsten and Lone.
Sorry to bother you, but do you know if have a new name? I know that the guy passed…
Loop footage part of “Die Liebesvögel” aka “Scharfe Wildgänse” (D 1978)
ID updated, thanks
This is probably the first duplicate since the “Classic Sex” listing 😀
The cast listed was wrong, (was for SG 221 as that loop was posted here before). Corrected.
Is not a series but just the name for unknown loops, I do add all the info about it inside…
“Das Glockenspiel” Wara 27 is the same Loop
This is Wara W84 “Analien”, but the Original-Loop runs aprox 20 Min.
model in 1st pic is Inga Mullin.
*Suzanne McBain.
Harrison Marks produced.
same as classic sex 449 😉 quality differs, that’s all.
looks more Danish or German to me. dunno for sure..
just admin’s name for ongoing unidentified loops.
I’ve seen everything. Everyone is horny. Man, What a party! 😍
Anal is great. But you’ll never know once at least you tried it. ❤️
Lisa Medow is confirmed as the long-haired brunette. Jayne Pagan is the kinky-haired brownette. IAFD lists the male as Barnett…
Is Classic Sex a loop series or just an identifier for this loop? An undated video titled Wet Sex presents…
IDs updated, thanks guys
You welcome, 🙏
not Smokey, he is in the other Collection Film “24”, The Tease.
Frédérique Barral (p33) & John Wilson F Barral & Pierre Latour non-sex: Veronique Monet & Brigitte Maier
stars Jytte Petersen, she also was in Imagination (LB), Triple Sex (Venus films,DK) Bordello film (w Jette Koplev again).
Dawn Cummings is one of the two lesbians in this loop. Although only two females are reported for this loop,…
this is the soft version, hard version was 30min.
*Carme cita (no N) busty actress is Helen Thomas, German.
Thank you for the Kevin James uploads this week! 😍🫦
further info, no titles on these cc. Info from backup of aldb. CC1082 3f – 30 meter CC1083…
male is Smokey
Yes I think is him, bottom left image from the back box gives it away.
aka Las Vegas Film 09 – Phone Booth Follies
This is an extract of a French movie : ‘Adorable Lola’ (1981).
1 male = David Book (w moustache)
2 way snakes is correct, MIni feature added to dvd. Scene 6 is from Oriental Taboo (1985) Scene 7. It…
Toby Wenig & unknown.
Maybe I was wrong…. Blacks and Blondes 1 probably is a threesome. So don’t change anything until the loop is…
I think this loop is actually the R.’Wild Bill’ Williams ‘ s “Blacks and Blondes 1”, see it on IAFD,…
lady left in loop is Kathy Kaufman.. imo..
dont think this is British, Blonde girl & dream girl are heavily tanned, Most likely San Francisco or Florida made..…
Carona Faoro aka Terry Thomas. not on iafd or imdb..
Now, THIS looks like a wonderful house to sleep in haha.
This has gone a lot freakier. And i love it lol 🤣
Ah, Cockzel and Gretel. Two young lovebirds enjoying life where everything in the Garden of Eden is sex obsessed. Feels…
REALLY Great reel, a pity it’s partly blurry at the end, but one can’t get everything all the time ey’😊
You are talking about Pleasure Film 1602 – Busen 2, she is on the cover but not in the film.…
possible the Busen/pleasure loop seen with her face on. Probably produced in UK.
White girl is ERIKA. Sleeve pic here: ….and THANKS for a good site, can’t live without it👍🫡
This is “Bentley Production Film 514: Stop-Stop-Don’t Stop!”. According to IAFD, this is Tana Robinson, Sara Harris and an unnamed…
The name of this loop is « Roommates », but number is unknown
The Black Girl is Tana Robinson
Fun Fact: The swastika symbol on the wall in this film is not the Nazi symbol, but the Hindu symbol.…
Bonnie Werham aka Mary-Lou Cantrell.
Female id’d as ‘Cindy’.
Lovely picnic! I wish I was there with my binoculars. They would be thinking “Hey, What’s that retarded kid doing…
Her pussy is smoking a cigarette LOL. I wonder if that’s possible for your vagina to suck and queef. 🤣
I just found out that these Love Cartoons was directed by Richard Meintz and Animated by Hubert Mentel. I think…
she’s called Bonnie, cant find last name right now. also did GG shoots (no loop so far) with Hanna Viek.
ID updated
male is Adam Adams acc to iafd.
Thanks, I will try to get back on track and have daily updates. Most of IDs/corrections updated.
I don’t know, maybe other users can help with this.
This is part of Bestsellers 237, I can send you the tape I have.
This is part of Bestsellers 241, I started posted loops from SM Encounters so I probably could also post these.…
Lovely JOYCE, and the blonde is LISA, I guess, it’s hard to get good info fast when adult loop is…
You deserve a rest ! Thanks again for your amazing work
Sorry for no updates in almost two weeks, I will resume the posting in a few days.
Some people have a life, u know work & family to manage too 😉 Have u dl the whole site…
Curly haired model is also in Exciting Photo Fun. Unsure of name.
Does anyone know why there has not been any new updates in 9 days now i can get who ever…
Model is a young Lene I believe
Probably Ulla
Lighter brown haired actress is also in Exciting Photo Fun. Unsure of name.
I know youve said that the gay content is banned due to Novafile but is there any other way you…
also def British, Harrison Marks again.
Def British, produced by Harrison Marks as Guter Fick ist Goldes Wert, mostly advertised together in Girls, A Pleasure/Busen mag.…
def not Jacky Rigby! This is her..
The cast is Angelo Rivera and the female is Vicky Lindsay. Vicky is also in Body Language 6 – Double…
Will this ever be posted as a downloadable link?
Features Lene in the curly wig
Features Lene (on cover)
Features Mrs Jensen (beige shirt on cover)
W 92 Anale und Dschungelgurken W 108 Heia Safari W 110 El Bimbo W 114 Pornowelen W 119 Leather-Games
Girl : Elaine DeSantis
Wrong reel sleeve pic 😮 this is: Super Sex Film 13 – Sexy Sisters
Released in 1981 as per IAFD.
Released in 1973 as per IAFD.
Title card says “Copyright 1979”.
The name of the mature woman is Ghita.
The unknown girl is Lisa Sue Corey
cast: Biggi Stenzhorn (as Brigitte Horn), Elke Meyrichs, Ginny Noack, Christa Abel (bbw!),Rolf Zigan,Michael Wagner. uncredited: Sylvia Engelmann,Marion Brandmaier,Dorle Buchner,…
1 model = Joyce.
Inga Mullin & unknown dyke. She’s in a bunch of Starlight, also used in films/comp French Heat, French Throat,Indian Lady..…
broken link
I don’t know of the owner of adl passing away, from what I now he sold his collection a while…
If found, it will be posted, but no results so far.
Where I can find CD-23 Glückliches Spiel? I’m looking for Bente.
The two actresses are : Kirsten and Lone.
Sorry to bother you, but do you know if have a new name? I know that the guy passed…
Loop footage part of “Die Liebesvögel” aka “Scharfe Wildgänse” (D 1978)
ID updated, thanks
This is probably the first duplicate since the “Classic Sex” listing 😀
The cast listed was wrong, (was for SG 221 as that loop was posted here before). Corrected.
Is not a series but just the name for unknown loops, I do add all the info about it inside…
“Das Glockenspiel” Wara 27 is the same Loop
This is Wara W84 “Analien”, but the Original-Loop runs aprox 20 Min.
model in 1st pic is Inga Mullin.
*Suzanne McBain.
Harrison Marks produced.
same as classic sex 449 😉 quality differs, that’s all.
looks more Danish or German to me. dunno for sure..
just admin’s name for ongoing unidentified loops.
I’ve seen everything. Everyone is horny. Man, What a party! 😍
Anal is great. But you’ll never know once at least you tried it. ❤️
Lisa Medow is confirmed as the long-haired brunette. Jayne Pagan is the kinky-haired brownette. IAFD lists the male as Barnett…
Is Classic Sex a loop series or just an identifier for this loop? An undated video titled Wet Sex presents…
IDs updated, thanks guys
You welcome, 🙏
not Smokey, he is in the other Collection Film “24”, The Tease.
Frédérique Barral (p33) & John Wilson F Barral & Pierre Latour non-sex: Veronique Monet & Brigitte Maier
stars Jytte Petersen, she also was in Imagination (LB), Triple Sex (Venus films,DK) Bordello film (w Jette Koplev again).
Veronique Aubert
Dawn Cummings is one of the two lesbians in this loop. Although only two females are reported for this loop,…
this is the soft version, hard version was 30min.
*Carme cita (no N) busty actress is Helen Thomas, German.
Thank you for the Kevin James uploads this week! 😍🫦
further info, no titles on these cc. Info from backup of aldb. CC1082 3f – 30 meter CC1083…
male is Smokey
Yes I think is him, bottom left image from the back box gives it away.