Ta mej i dalen (1977)

AKA Practice makes Perfect. Girl on Her Knees. Sweden published, 1977, US. Featuring Anne Magle, Jacqueline Laurent, Chris Chittell, Eric Edwards. Directed by Torgny Wickman.
Classic, adult feature film, sexy girls, hot body, legal teens, mature, bedroom, outdoor settings, hairy pussy, blowjob, hardcore sex, facial. With audio.
Three major American stars enhance this Swedish sex film. It also offers a realistic and nostalgic look at life on a working farm. Eric Edwards plays Cousin George, a rather oafish dolt, more shy than stupid, needing assistance in learning about sex. Charles Canyon conducts the crash course that consists primarily of voyeuristic observation. Darby Llyd Rain plays a woman on the farm.
Size: 920Mb
Type: mp4
Duration: 01:18:23
Resolution: 640 x 480
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